As with most surgeries there are some steps in the preparation of your surgery that are designed to minimize complications during and after the surgery and to optimize the body’s ability to recover and heal without any adverse effects.
- A set of blood tests are required to evaluate the general fitness for an operation.
- An ultrasound scan will be required to evaluate the size of the liver and the presence of gallstones or other upper abdominal conditions that may require attention during the surgery.
- A Gastroscopy may sometimes be required to evaluate the condition of the stomach and for the presence of a hiatal hernia, especially in those patients who may complain of acid reflux.
- A physician may be asked to evaluate your general health, especially in those who may suffer from Diabetes, Hypertension, Heart Disease or other related co-morbidities.
- A pre-surgery diet regime is advised which includes elimination of all fatty foods to shrink the liver size and make the surgery safer. Protein and Vitamin supplements are advised to build up a reserve in anticipation of a relative lack of nutrition in the first two weeks after surgery, when only liquids are allowed to be consumed.

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