Since the operation is performed using minimally invasive techniques, the recovery following a Sleeve Gastrectomy is quite rapid. The average hospital stay is just overnight, unless there are other health reasons to keep the patient in the hospital for a longer period. Drinking of clear fluids is started two to four hours after return to the ward. The patient is encouraged to move about and be out of bed from the evening after the surgery. A Respirometer (a breathing stimulation device) is used to encourage deep breathing to minimize the chances of lung collapse and infection. Pain after the operation is controlled using drugs that do not make a person drowsy, but are still very effective in controlling pain. Some patients may experience nausea, but again this is controlled well with effective drugs to counteract this tendency.

When the surgeon is satisfied that the clinical condition is stable, and the patient is able to drink at least 2 liters of liquids in a day, and pain is under control, it’s time to go home. Some medications will be prescribed primarily to control pain and to prevent clots in the leg. Most patients are able to go home in the afternoon the day after the surgery. Bed rest is not required or desirable after a Sleeve Gastrectomy. You are encouraged to be ambulant and this helps to accelerate the recovery process. Most patients are back to work one week after their operation
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